Action Plan


A pilot project that aims to expand the "Collaborative Writing" school project to the community outside schools, cutting across different generations, vulnerable groups and special educational needs individuals.

A set of activities will be developed each year to stimulate writing and reading, exploring a different genre: prose, verse, film scripts, lyrics for music. Thus, a Local Writing Plan, renewed annually, will be taken up by municipal policy. 

At selected points in the municipality's parishes, whether in the network of libraries, in the Youth Centre youth clubs and, whenever possible, in public spaces, the Project will prioritize invitations to prominent writing professionals of the region and, whenever possible, of the Portuguese-speaking world, offering them opportunities to develop their talents by giving lessons. 

The project will contribute to the expressive and professional capacity building, to the dynamization of job opportunities in the literary sector and, finally, to the diversification of audiences in the literary programmes promoted by Póvoa de Varzim.


Contributions to the local development strategy:

•  Social cohesion
•  Employability

Related Creative Fields

•  Cinema
•  Music

Contributions for the purposes of the UCCN

•  Develop hubs of creativity and innovation and broaden opportunities for creators and professionals in the cultural sector.
•  Improve access to and participation in cultural life as well as the enjoyment of cultural goods and services, notably for marginalized or vulnerable groups and individuals.
•  Fully integrate culture and creativity into local development strategies and plans. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda

SDG 4 – Quality education
SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities


The Everywhere Libraries Project, which is concerned with stimulating the safe and inclusive use of public spaces, improving the tourist experience – enhancing the entire municipality's Tourist and Leisure Network – and encouraging the dissemination and creation of new content, seeks to combine free access to micro libraries, both physical and digital access, distributed over strategic points of the territory: squares, seafront, points on the public transport network, metropolitan light railway.  

Part of the content will result from the municipality's own cultural programming, in particular that generated at literary and music festivals. Interviews, notes on authors and composers and other content produced for this purpose will be added. Therefore, the project will contribute to the promotion of dissemination and exchange channels in the literary world.

It has potential for association with the other projects of the Póvoa de Varzim Action Plan, City of Literature, namely Everyone Writes and Storytellers' house.

Local Project

Contributions to the local development strategy

•  Employability
•  Safe public spaces
•  Tourism

Related Creative Fields

•  Music

Contributions for the purposes of the UCCN

•  Stimulate and enhance initiatives led by member cities to make creativity an essential component of urban development, notably through partnerships involving the public and private sectors and civil society. 
•  Strengthen the creation, production, distribution and dissemination of cultural activities, goods and services; 

UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda

SDG 4 – Quality education
SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities


The digital world, the speed of communication and the more affordable prices of technological equipment have given rise to many opportunities: shorter distances, opportunities for exchanges and providing a voice for those who wish to express themselves. On the other hand, the instant and simultaneous nature of exchanges in the digital environment, typical of online communication, have ended up feeding violence and, unexpectedly, disinformation. 

Everyword Counts proposes itself as a project to raise awareness for diversity through digital literacy, with the aim of raising awareness of the various forms of discrimination, disrespect and violence. The aim is to use literature, instruction for communication and the interpretation of texts, accessible via online communication media, to mould the skills of young people for participation in civic and cultural life; reduce the occurrence of bullying in the school environment, as well as other forms of discrimination; and, indirectly, to contribute to the reduction of functional illiteracy.

Local Project

Contributions to the local development strategy

•  Social cohesion
•  Education (reduction of functional illiteracy)

Contributions for the purposes of the UCCN

•  Stimulate and enhance initiatives led by member cities to make creativity an essential component of urban development, notably through partnerships involving the public and private sectors and civil society. 
•  Strengthen the creation, production, distribution and dissemination of cultural activities, goods and services; 

UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda

SDG 4 – Quality education
SDG 5 – Gender equality
SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities


The Storytellers' House Project aims to stimulate the circle of literary production and to create an environment of complicity in the city around the commitment to literature. It will annually promote several artistic residencies, establishing an international mobility programme that will extend beyond the Correntes d'Escritas Literary Festival.

A polynucleated infrastructure for hosting professionals (local lodgings, courses, workshops, spaces for workshops, among others) will be organised, and identified as part of the initiative, based on partnerships between the municipality and local private agents. International partnerships will be established with Ibero-American cities of the UCCN and of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries - CPLP, establishing invitations to writers, illustrators, publishers, translators, booksellers and researchers. The project will contribute to exploring the richness of the circle of literary production and multiply its possibilities for creative and economic development.

International Project

Contributions to the local development strategy

•  Vocational training
•  Entrepreneurship
•  Diversification of the economy

Contributions for the purposes of the UCCN

•  Strengthen international cooperation between cities that have recognized creativity as a strategic factor of their sustainable development; 
•  Develop hubs of creativity and innovation and broaden opportunities for creators and professionals in the cultural sector.

UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda

SDG 4 – Quality education
SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities


Portugal has already incorporated the traditional book fairs into its cultural programming calendar. However, there are few, if any, opportunities for courses or schemes exclusively dedicated to meeting book professionals in a business environment. The Books Go Pro Project, to be held during the Correntes d’Escritas Literary Festival, is a literature market designed to promote international networking between professionals and stimulate partnerships and innovative business models.

The exchanges already established between literature of Portugal, of other Portuguese-speaking countries and of Spanish-speaking countries have enormous potential for growth. Professionals, especially young and emerging professionals, with profiles as diverse as writers, illustrators, designers, publishers and booksellers - can, from here, access an international network of producers and promoters of the literature market.

International Project

Contributions to the local development strategy

•  Employability 
•  Youth 
•  Entrepreneurship

Related Creative Fields

•  Music

Contributions for the purposes of the UCCN

•  Develop hubs of creativity and innovation and broaden opportunities for creators and professionals in the cultural sector

UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda

SDG 4 – Quality education
SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities


Culture today is perceived, from among its many meanings, as a source of cross-sectoral innovation and a generator of opportunities.  It is increasingly considered a fundamental dimension in sustainable development policies and programmes, at national and local level. The core of the Lusophone Network is to unite in a network for the understanding, development and promotion of strategies for the integration of culture and creativity in urban development.

The intention is to invite a literature city, member of the UCCN network, to talk about its strategies for the role of creativity in its territories, as well as the results obtained so far. The aim is to connect two global networks:  the growing UCCN and the network of countries that are traditionally partners of the Correntes d’Escritas Literary Festival, namely those from the Community of Portuguese Language Countries - CPLP, encouraging them to become a member of the former.

The exchange of experiences and good practices benefits all the actors involved and, simultaneously, raises awareness to the presence of Portuguese-speaking communities in the world, both at the level of cultural values and the professional performance plan for the literary sector of the Portuguese language.

International Project

Contributions to the local development strategy

•  Internationalization
•  Urban development

Contributions for the purposes of the UCCN

•  Strengthen international cooperation between cities that have recognized creativity as a strategic factor of their sustainable development; 
•  Strengthen the creation, production, distribution and dissemination of cultural activities, goods and services. 

UN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda

SDG 4 – Quality education
SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
SDG 10 – Reduced inequalities
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